Hi Wang,
Interesting question. I know that some folks have had some issues with auto-discovering SNMP devices in 4.6, and they had to fill out some information for timeout and retries to discover it: http://communities.vmware.com/thread/389227
I don't think this answers your question though as you want to confine it to IP addresses. I can suggest two things: one the HQU Mass plugin: http://support.hyperic.com/display/hyperforge/HQU+Mass or also trying to use the expanded Hyperic solution - VMware vFabric Application Performance Manager (APM). This is only valid if everything is contained on virtualized/cloud components, but basically it works by starting with a server in an application and maps everything else that application touches - which would do what you are looking for, but very specific to the application its bound to.
Try Application Performance Manager: https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/evalcenter?p=vfabric-apm&lp=default
Incidentally, APM works with Hyperic, so all your Hyperic data will import and then you'll get some additional auto-discovery and transaction monitoring detail that is especially impressive for java/spring apps. And there is a special to upgrade each of your Hyperic licenses to full APM for $99/server through June 30, 2012.