I want to make a clone of a windows 2008 R2 VM on one of my ESX4i boxes.
How do I make a complete copy ( clone ) of the VM and save it somewhere on another server as a failsafe backup in case a production change goes wrong and I need to roll back?
I thought about snapshots, but my limited understanding of snapshots is that once youtake a snapshot its there forever unless you delete it and it will grow larger and larger as its a delta ( difference ) file and can slow performance down by just being there. presumably once the change to the production system has the OK, you delete the snapshot. However, later if I wanted to make another backup of the system, I'd need to take another clone and stroe it somewhere.
Also, is it possible to store a clone as an ISO or similar? When I was running VMServer ( whihc was installed on a windows PC ) cloning Vms was easy as all you did was shutdown the VM, copy all the VM files ( vmdks etc ) and store somewhere on a windows lan. With ESXi its more complicated from what I can see.
Any thoughts appreciated.