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how can add 2 vcenter in one vcenter


BabAug 03, 2018 07:11 AM

  • 1.  how can add 2 vcenter in one vcenter

    Posted Apr 02, 2018 08:43 AM

    Dear all

    i use vcsa 6.5 and esxi 6.5

    now i want to know if i want had 2 vcenter that managed byone vcenter how can do i that ?

    do i had to install 2 vcsa (PSC+virtual senter server ) and install one virtual center server without PSC ?

    such as attached pic



  • 2.  RE: how can add 2 vcenter in one vcenter

    Posted Apr 02, 2018 10:28 AM

    Hi baber​

    Please follow the below steps to accomplish your request:

    1. Install an external PSC1 in SSO Site A and link VCSA1 vCenter server to it.

    2. Install another external PSC2 in SSO site B and link VCSA2 vcenter to it. You have to join the 2 PSC controller to the same SSO domain.

    The configuration you are requesting is called: Enhanced Linked Mode (ELM).

    ELM requires external PSC controller sharing the same SSO domain such as vSphere.local.

    Please let me know if you find this useful.


  • 3.  RE: how can add 2 vcenter in one vcenter

    Posted Apr 02, 2018 11:18 AM

    So thanks

    i understand these are correct?

    1- i know vcsa installation has 2 part PSC and vcenter server . On site-A i have to install vcsa complete (psc+vcenter server)

    2- on site-B such as site -A install vcsa (psc+vcenter server)

    3- i have to install another vcsa on site-A (just install vcenter server without PSC) that with this can manage vcenter in site-A and vcenter in site-B



  • 4.  RE: how can add 2 vcenter in one vcenter

    Posted Apr 02, 2018 01:03 PM

    Hi baber​

    You welcome dear,

    No, for installation , you will have two separate VMs in each site (one VM for PSC and another VM for vCenter).

    We need external PSC controller. If you install VCSA complete as you say, this means you will end up with vCenter with embedded PSC which is not what we need.

    So for installation, follow the below:


    1. run VCSA setup and install only PSC controller from it. This will install external PSC controller in site A.

    2. run VCSA setup and select the vCenter server option now to install only vCenter component and point it to the PSC controller in site A.


    1. Install external PSC controller the same way as in site B. Select the option to "join an existing SSO domain" which is the same domain created in site A.

    2. Install vCenter and point it to PSC controller in site B.

    After that , if you login to whether vCenter, you will have both vCenter inventories in the same web client.

    Hope this is more clear,


  • 5.  RE: how can add 2 vcenter in one vcenter

    Posted Apr 02, 2018 02:17 PM

    So thanks dea rmohammad

    Would you please say when do i had to install psc and vcenter on seperate vm and when can install on one vm ?

  • 6.  RE: how can add 2 vcenter in one vcenter

    Posted Apr 02, 2018 02:30 PM

    You welcome dear,

    Please check the below article for the different "vCenter Server and Platform Services Controller Deployment Types" stating the use case and the pros and cons of each deployment model (embedded vs. external).

    Don't forget to mark this as helpful if you find it informative.

    Thank you,


  • 7.  RE: how can add 2 vcenter in one vcenter

    Posted Apr 02, 2018 08:26 PM


    i read that document so thanks

    from that we need one PSC and 2 vcenter server i understand this is that correct ?

    1- install PSC on seprate vm on site A

    2- install vcenter server on seprate vm on Site A

    3- on SiteB on seprate VM during install vcsa select External platform service controller and just install vcenter server

    during installation join that to PSC on siteA



  • 8.  RE: how can add 2 vcenter in one vcenter

    Posted Apr 02, 2018 08:42 PM

    Hi baber​

    For site A, this is true.

    For site B, you need two VMs as well. First install a PSC controller in site B (select external PSC controller option) and join it to the same SSO domain created when you installed the PSC controller in site A. Then install another VM which is the vCenter in site B and point it to the PSC controller in Site B. The topology would look like the below:


  • 9.  RE: how can add 2 vcenter in one vcenter

    Posted Apr 03, 2018 05:56 AM

    so thanks

    this is my imagine is that correct or not ?

    when i install PSC on siteA on seprate machine with ip therby  PSC ip address on siteA is

    install vCenter server on SiteA seprate machine with ip therby vCenter ip address on SiteA is

    install PSC on siteB on seprate machine with ip therby PSC ip address on siteB is

    install vCenter server on seprate machine with ip therby vCenter ip address is

    1- now when i want connect to vCenter which ip address do i have to use for connect for manage all vCenter servers?

    2- but in your scenario PSC on siteB can just manage siteB and PSC on siteA can just manage siteA means each of my PSC failed can not connect to that site how can create  a scenario such as this ? if my PSC on siteA failed PSC on siteB can manage that and vice versa

    please see attach pic

  • 10.  RE: how can add 2 vcenter in one vcenter

    Posted Apr 03, 2018 08:19 PM

    Hi baber​

    You are correct for the VM machines and IP addressing.

    Please find below comments to your thoughts:

    1. You can use either site A vCenter IP address or site B vCenter IP address to manage both environments. No matter which vCenter you login to, you will see both vCenter inventories in the web client and you are able to manage all your resources in both sites.

    2. The two PSCs are sharing the same SSO domain and are replicating to each other. If you want to design for resiliency about PSC failure at each site, you can add 2 PSC controllers in HA mode with a load balancer in each site, then point the vCenter to the load balanced PSC VIP address. This way you will survive the failure of one PSC controller per site. The topology will be as below:

    Hope this is clear now,


  • 11.  RE: how can add 2 vcenter in one vcenter

    Posted Apr 04, 2018 05:28 AM



    1- my imagine from your first scenario according follow pic is : each of my PSC on each site(siteA or siteB) failed i can not connect to vCenter on that site is for example if PSC on siteB failed can not connect to vCenter on siteB and PSC on siteA failed can not connect to vCenter on siteA is that correct ?


    2- Is the task of enhance linked mode connect PSC on siteA to PSC on siteB or connection between two PSC in one will be handle by enhanced linke mode ?



  • 12.  RE: how can add 2 vcenter in one vcenter

    Posted Apr 04, 2018 09:43 AM


    1- yes that is correct. If the PSC controller where the vCenter is pointing fails, then the vCenter services will not come up.

        That is why i proposed the second scenario for you if you want resiliency on PSC failure. In this case you can use 2 PSC controller in HA mode.

    2- when you connect 2 PSC controllers via same SSO domain and in different sites, there will be replication between the PSC controllers. It is a naming only about this confguration as ELM.


  • 13.  RE: how can add 2 vcenter in one vcenter

    Posted Apr 04, 2018 11:10 AM

    so thanks

    now if oi want implement your scenario Do i have to do these steps ?

    on SITE-A

    1- install an external PSC on seprate vm as first PSC on site A and during installation select create new SSO domain

    2- install an external PSC on seprate vm as second PSC on site A and during installation select "join an existing SSO domain and in platform service controller field" insert IP address of  first PSC that has been installed in prevoius step

    3- install external vcenter server on Site A and join that to one of PSC that has been installed in step1 or 2

    on SITE-B

    1- install an external PSC on seprate vm as first PSC on site B and during installation select create new SSO domain

    2- install an external PSC on seprate vm as second PSC on site B and during installation select "join an existing SSO domain and in platform service controller field" insert IP address of  first PSC that has been installed in prevoius step on SITE-B

    3- install external vcenter server on Site B and join that to one of PSC that has been installed in step1 or 2 (on SITE-B)


    4- how do i had to connect PSC on SITE-A to PSC on SITE-B via ELM ?

    5- how can i run and install load balancer ?



  • 14.  RE: how can add 2 vcenter in one vcenter

    Posted Apr 04, 2018 11:20 AM

    You welcome dear,

    Below are the correct steps:


    1. Install external PSC controller (PSC1) and select create SSO domain.

    2. Install another external PSC controller (PSC2) and select "join an existin SSO domain" which is the same SSO domain created before. Insert IP address of PSC1.

    3. Configure load balancer for PSC1 and PSC2.

    4. Intall vCenter in SiteA and point it the virtual IP or FQDN load balancing the two PSC controllers.


    1. Install external PSC controller (PSC3) and and select "join an existin SSO domain" which is the same SSO domain created before. Insert IP address of PSC2 in site A.

    2. Install another external PSC controller (PSC4) and select "join an existin SSO domain" which is the same SSO domain created before. Insert IP address of PSC3.

    3. Configure load balancer for PSC3 and PSC4.

    4. Intall vCenter in SiteB and point it the virtual IP or FQDN load balancing the two PSC controllers.

    The following load balancers are supported: Netscaler, F5 Big IP, and NSX Edge. For the detailed configuration, below are the articles:


  • 15.  RE: how can add 2 vcenter in one vcenter

    Posted Apr 05, 2018 06:09 AM

    so thanks

    but now i run first scenario in my lab

    1- install external psc on site-A

    2- install external vcenter on site-A and join that psc on site-A

    3-install external psc on site-B and join to psc on site-A

    4-install external vcenter on site-B and join that to psc on site-B

    now when i connect to vcenter on site A just see one vcenter but when connect to vcenter on site-B see both vcenter

    please see attached pic

    why ?

  • 16.  RE: how can add 2 vcenter in one vcenter

    Posted Apr 05, 2018 11:28 AM

    You welcome dear,

    Do you have any firewall restrictions between the VMs ?

    If no, can you try to restart the vCenter VM in site A and they let me know if you see both sites inventories ?
