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  • 1.  Horizon vCheck Plugin issue

    Posted Feb 11, 2019 08:49 PM

    Hi, I did reach out to the maintainer, but was wondering if someone else could take a look and hopefully share what I'm missing. The 14 Manually Desktop Pool Information plugin isn't working, and neither are any of the other ones, and I think its all the same problem. Running this set of code block

    $queryservice=new-object vmware.hv.queryserviceservice

    $defn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition


    $filter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -Property @{ 'memberName' = ''; 'value' = "$" }

    $queryResults = $queryService.QueryService_Create($Services1, $defn)


    Doesn't get desktops from the correct desktop pool, it seems to grab all the vms that have people logged into.The git repo is

    vCheck-HorizonView/Plugins/20 Desktop at master · vCheckReport/vCheck-HorizonView · GitHub

    Thanks for any help

  • 2.  RE: Horizon vCheck Plugin issue

    Posted Feb 11, 2019 09:45 PM

    Did you already try changing "$" into "$($"?

  • 3.  RE: Horizon vCheck Plugin issue

    Posted Feb 12, 2019 03:44 AM

    Thank LucD​, that doesn't help. The filter wasn't being used, but if I keep the filter the same it returns nothing.Talking with the maintiner he noticed the filter wasn't applied, so we fix it, but now filter doesn't fine anything. I think the issue is you can't match in from the machines to the you need to match the to the value. I tried this

    $filter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -Property @{ 'memberName' = ''; 'value' = "$" }

    but I get an error that says one is an invalid type, even though its in the api

    View API - VMware API Explorer - VMware {code}

    I made a workaround which works but I'd like to understand the horizon api more if anyone knows. If I leave the filter blank again like before so it gets all the desktops adn then insert this right after $desktops=$queryResults.results, I get what I expect


    foreach($desktop in $desktops)




    if($desktopPoolId -eq $poolId)






  • 4.  RE: Horizon vCheck Plugin issue
    Best Answer

    Posted Feb 12, 2019 10:31 AM

    I had to remove the " from $pool id and the filter started working. Thanks again for the suggestion.