Hey Troy,
Im seeing the exact same thing w my 2008 R2 SQL VM. Task Manager and Resource Monitor are showing the memory utilization at 98% while active (from vCenter Performance Charts, ESXTOP, and Perf Mon) is around 1Gb. I don't typically see this in non SQL VMs. Im trying to understand why active(in the vCenter charts) isn't reflecting these numbers. Since SQL is using this memory in its buffer pool(allocating and freeing memory depending on the other applications' needs, shouldn't the hypervisor see that memory as "active"? Those pages are being allocated and freed by the OS and since the hypervisor has no insight into the VMs virtual memory I would assume that it thinks the VM is actively using all those pages.
The only reason(guessing here) is that those pages have become idle overtime. And while the SQL buffer pool is allocating and freeing those pages its only doing it at the low end(1Gb aka active) memory. The rest isnt needed and has become idle according to the hypervisor even though within the Guest OS(perfmon, taskmgr) it sees it as in use, and at 98%.
Is this correct? Close? Way off? Completely wrong and need to just go away? :smileyhappy: