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  • 1.  Hi I have a problem with the VIClient,

    Posted May 21, 2009 11:02 AM

    Hi I have a problem with the VIClient,

    I am running the virtual Centre on a HP DL360 G5 with 16G memory and 400G hard disc space with 2 Dual core processors running server 2003

    When the sqlservr.exe hits the 25% I am unable to use the VIClient until the sqlservr.exe hits 0%, it doesn't happen all the time but can be annoying waiting for the sqlservr.exe to hit 0%, it's a bit like watching paint dry. Its only the VIClient that is affected the server 2003 which the Virtual Centre sits on runs fine.

    I have noticed that when the sqlservr.exe hits the 25% only the one processor (2 cores) is going crazy and the other one shows no performance.

    I am thinking of re-installing the virtual centre unless there is a better solution.

    I have pictures to illustrate when the sqlservr.exe hits the 25% and when it is on 0%.

  • 2.  RE: Hi I have a problem with the VIClient,

    Posted May 23, 2009 01:18 AM

    I had the problem with VI Client consistently freezing for about 10-20 seconds awhile ago, but it was not caused by SQL Server. There was a problem with DNS - virtual center had two different IP addresses assigned to it. Since I removed second IP record there was not a single freeze. Not sure if it will help you, but check DNS records for virtual center on domain controller just in case.

  • 3.  RE: Hi I have a problem with the VIClient,

    Posted May 26, 2009 10:57 AM

    Hi i have checked DNS records for virtual center all ok i am convinced it the sql reaching 25% i am thinking how could i load balance the work load on to the other cpu which is not being used

  • 4.  RE: Hi I have a problem with the VIClient,

    Posted May 26, 2009 01:17 PM

    You can go in SQL Server MAnagement Studio:

    - connect to the server

    - right click on the Server name => properties

    - Select "Processors" and control the 2 options on the right (Automatically set processor... and automatically set I/O....) if the checkbox are activated all the CPU would be used; if You deactivate the checkbox You've the ability to specify which CPU SQL must use.

    You can check the dimension of the DB and Log files in SQL and the growth policy.



  • 5.  RE: Hi I have a problem with the VIClient,

    Posted May 27, 2009 04:31 PM

    Hi I was looking for the SQL Server Management Studio and found the Express version of SQL was running, which uses 1 CPU, 1GB RAM and only 4GB storage.

    This explains the slow speed.

    Im going to upgrade to Enterprise version, I have a few questions

    • 1. will the SQL database remain intact

    • 2. will I have to reinstall Virtual centre Server and if so, will I still see the snapshots that were taken prior to the reinstall using VIClient because the developers need to be able to go to certain snapshots.

  • 6.  RE: Hi I have a problem with the VIClient,

    Posted May 27, 2009 04:33 PM

    here's a good KB article that will be helpful

  • 7.  RE: Hi I have a problem with the VIClient,

    Posted May 28, 2009 07:29 AM

    I'm not able to open the link of Troy, so sorry if it just respond to the question.

    Here U can find a couple of interesting link which can help U.

    This just speak about the upgrade from SQLExpress to a new one:

    This is a very good post about a migration to a new server:

    With both the procedure (if all will complete correctly) I assume that the data in VC DB are ok so You will find Your snapshot exact as before.

    A migration will always find some issue so think very much before do it if You risk to lose something.. this already happen to me in the past cause a stupid lack of attention which force me to reinstall ALL VC.

    I hape that this information will help You.



  • 8.  RE: Hi I have a problem with the VIClient,

    Posted May 29, 2009 11:27 AM

    Hi Dallas74

    Thank you for your help the upgrade to Enterprise version was a success virtual centre is up and running and I'm using the full benefits of the server.

    I'm so relived

  • 9.  RE: Hi I have a problem with the VIClient,

    Posted Jun 03, 2009 06:40 AM

    I'm happy that my post help You :smileyhappy:

