Hi I have a problem with the VIClient,
I am running the virtual Centre on a HP DL360 G5 with 16G memory and 400G hard disc space with 2 Dual core processors running server 2003
When the sqlservr.exe hits the 25% I am unable to use the VIClient until the sqlservr.exe hits 0%, it doesn't happen all the time but can be annoying waiting for the sqlservr.exe to hit 0%, it's a bit like watching paint dry. Its only the VIClient that is affected the server 2003 which the Virtual Centre sits on runs fine.
I have noticed that when the sqlservr.exe hits the 25% only the one processor (2 cores) is going crazy and the other one shows no performance.
I am thinking of re-installing the virtual centre unless there is a better solution.
I have pictures to illustrate when the sqlservr.exe hits the 25% and when it is on 0%.