I am trying to set an IP pool to NSX-T with the following function code
Function Set-NSXTIPPool {
Creates an IP Pool
Creates a IP Pool with a number of required parameters. Supported IP formats include,,
Set-NSXTIPPool -display_name "Pool Name" -allocation_start "" -allocation_end "" -cidr ""
Set-NSXTIPPool -display_name "Test Pool Name" -allocation_start "" -allocation_end "" -cidr "" -dns_nameservers "" -gateway_ip "" -dns_suffix "evil corp"
# Paramameter Set variants will be needed Multicast & Broadcast Traffic Types as well as VM & Logical Port Types
Param (
if (-not $global:DefaultNsxtServers.isconnected)
Connect-NsxtServer -Menu -ErrorAction Stop
throw "Could not connect to an NSX-T Manager, please try again"
$NSXTIPPoolService = Get-NsxtService -Name "com.vmware.nsx.pools.ip_pools"
# Classes unused - part of early testing
class allocation_ranges {
class subnets {
[array]$allocation_ranges = [allocation_ranges]::new()
#hidden $self
class ip_pool {
[string]$resource_type = 'IpPool'
[long]$revision = '0'
[array]$subnets = [subnets]::new()
hidden $pool_usage
hidden [array]$tags
# hidden $self
hidden $links
$sample_ip_pool = $NSXTIPPoolService.help.create.ip_pool.Create()
$sample_ip_pool.subnets = @($NSXTIPPoolService.help.create.ip_pool.subnets.Create())
$sample_ip_pool.subnets = @($NSXTIPPoolService.help.create.ip_pool.subnets.Element.Create())
$sample_ip_pool.subnets[0].allocation_ranges = @($NSXTIPPoolService.help.create.ip_pool.subnets.Element.allocation_ranges.create())
$sample_ip_pool.subnets[0].allocation_ranges = @($NSXTIPPoolService.help.create.ip_pool.subnets.Element.allocation_ranges.element.create())
#Remove buggy self object
$ip_pool = $sample_ip_pool | select -Property * -ExcludeProperty self
$ip_pool.subnets[0] = $sample_ip_pool.subnets[0] | select -Property * -ExcludeProperty self
$ip_pool.subnets[0].allocation_ranges[0] = $sample_ip_pool.subnets[0].allocation_ranges[0] | select -Property * -ExcludeProperty self
# Assign objects
$ip_pool.display_name = $display_name
$ip_pool.description = $description
$ip_pool.resource_type = "IpPool"
$ip_pool.subnets[0].dns_nameservers = @($dns_nameservers)
$ip_pool.subnets[0].dns_suffix = $dns_suffix
$ip_pool.subnets[0].allocation_ranges[0].start = $allocation_start
$ip_pool.subnets[0].allocation_ranges[0].end = $allocation_end
$ip_pool.subnets[0].cidr = $cidr
$ip_pool.subnets[0].gateway_ip = $gateway_ip
$ip_pool.revision = 0
$ip_pool.tags = @()
# Should process
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($ip_pool.display_name, "Create IP Pool"))
# more error data found in the NSX-T Manager /var/log/vmware/nsx-manager.log file; grep POOL-MGMT
I try to execute the function with the following syntax
Set-NSXTIPPool -display_name "Test Pool Name" -allocation_start "" -allocation_end "" -cidr "" -dns_nameservers "" -gateway_ip "" -dns_suffix "tataoui.com" -Confirm:$false
here is the error I am getting.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
At line:124 char:17
To debug this, I add the following line and pipe the what support to be the dataset it is execution with out as json
$ip_pool | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path "$($ENV:Temp)\IPPooljsontemplate.json"
From what I can tell, one of the parameter is not being set, which I am assuming this is the root of the error
"subnets": [
"allocation_ranges": "",
"cidr": "",
"dns_nameservers": "",
"dns_suffix": "tataoui.com",
"gateway_ip": ""
Question is what am I missing? I am pretty sure the syntax usage is correct, I am totally green when it come to API call and function