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  • 1.  help on cold migrations to different datacenter, same vcenter

    Posted Oct 01, 2012 03:20 PM

    problem defined: trying to cold migrate vms from one datacenter to another datacenter within same vcenter - no matter what code i try to use, i get an error or "half baked" results - i.e. some vms cold migrate, others do not with an error


    PowerCLI C:\> import-csv c:\maint.csv | %{ get-vm -name $_.ServerName -Location (get-datacenter "dtc001") | move-vm -Datastore (get-datastore -name "DATASTORE_008") -RunAsync -Confirm:$false }

    maint.csv contents:



    error in vcenter:

    "a specified parameter was not correct. datastore"

    example002 - using Lucd's relocatevm method:

    foreach($row in (Import-Csv c:\serverlistmigrate.csv -UseCulture)){

    $vm = ''

    $esx = ''

    $spec = ''

    $spec.datastore = ''

    $ = ''

    $spec.resourcepool = ''


    $vmname = $row.vmname

    $vmhost = $row.vmhost

    $datastore = $row.datastore

    $vm = Get-VM -Name $vmname

    $spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineRelocateSpec

      $spec.datastore = (Get-Datastore -Name $datastore).ExtensionData.MoRef

      $spec.pool = (Get-ResourcePool -Name $resourcepool).ExtensionData.MoRef

      $ = (Get-VMHost -Name $vmhost).ExtensionData.MoRef

      $vmObj = Get-VM -Name $vmname | Get-View

      $vmObj.RelocateVM_Task($spec, "defaultPriority")


    c:\serverlistmigrate.csv contents:



    error in vcenter:

    "a specified parameter was not correct. host"

    **** USING above method, I will get some to migrate, but some fail with same error as above.

    NEEDED:  All I want is to cold migrate multiple vms from one datacenter to another datacenter (different datastore)  within same vcenter with 100% success - I don't care what method is used - I just need solid, reliable, consistent success.

    Many thanks in advance!!!!


    PowerCLI Version
       VMware vSphere PowerCLI 5.1 Release 1 build 793510
    Snapin Versions
       VMWare AutoDeploy PowerCLI Component 5.1 build 768137
       VMWare ImageBuilder PowerCLI Component 5.1 build 768137
       VMware License PowerCLI Component 5.1 build 669840
       VMware vSphere PowerCLI Component 5.1 build 793489

  • 2.  RE: help on cold migrations to different datacenter, same vcenter

    Posted Oct 01, 2012 03:49 PM

    I have moved this thread to a more approroiate forum

  • 3.  RE: help on cold migrations to different datacenter, same vcenter

    Posted Oct 01, 2012 03:51 PM

    Are all the datastores shared between the 2 vCenters ?

    Btw when on vSphere 5.1, this requirement is dropped. You don't need shared storage anymore to do a vMotion.

  • 4.  RE: help on cold migrations to different datacenter, same vcenter

    Posted Oct 01, 2012 05:05 PM

    Hi Luc,

    datastores are separate in the separate datacenters. so I would say they are "not" shared between datacenters

    vcenter version:  4.1   build:   491557

    typical host versions:

    Server Name : esx001
    Name        : VMware ESXi
    Version     : 4.1.0
    Build       : 800380
    FullName    : VMware ESXi 4.1.0 build-800380
    ApiVersion  : 4.1
    Server Name : esx002
    Name        : VMware ESXi
    Version     : 4.1.0
    Build       : 800380
    FullName    : VMware ESXi 4.1.0 build-800380
    ApiVersion  : 4.1

  • 5.  RE: help on cold migrations to different datacenter, same vcenter

    Posted Oct 01, 2012 05:53 PM

    That means your cold migration would only use the network. And that should work in vSphere 4.*

    There can be several reasons why the cold migration fails.

    Just to name a few:

    • connectivity to the source and destination ESX(i) server, port 443 and 902 afaik
    • there can be an ISO connected to the VM's CD/DVD device
    • a VM with a 64-bit OS and the destination ESX(i) doesn't support 64-bit OS

    Does the cold migration work when you do it from the vSphere client ?

    Btw, why don't you use the Move-VM cmdlet ?

    That has been seriously improved since I wrote that script.

  • 6.  RE: help on cold migrations to different datacenter, same vcenter

    Posted Oct 01, 2012 06:30 PM

    re: connectivity - it will work sometimes and fails on other times, even going to same host, so there shouldn't be a port block issue, otherwise it would never work

    re: ISO - n/a - no connection to ISO, etc.

    re: 64 bit - non-issue - these are 32 bit vms in question

    re:  using move-vm, do you have any new snazzy code ?  using below I get the error  "a specified parameter was not correct. datastore"

    import-csv c:\maint.csv | %{ get-vm -name $_.ServerName -Location (get-datacenter "dtc001") | move-vm -Datastore (get-datastore -name "DATASTORE_008") -RunAsync -Confirm:$false }

    maint.csv contents:



    re: using move-vm - I'm getting the old "must be in same datacenter" error:

    PowerCLI C:\> Move-VM -VM 'SERVER001' -Destination $myhost -Datastore $myds -DiskStorageFormat "Thin"
    Move-VM : 10/1/2012 1:27:59 PM    Move-VM       Destination container must be in the same Datacenter.
    At line:1 char:8
    + Move-VM <<<<  -VM 'BSS11WP-OPTI' -Destination $myhost -Datastore $myds -DiskStorageFormat "Thin"
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: ( [Move-VM], VimException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Client20_VmHostServiceImpl_CheckMoveVmParameters_InvalidDatacenter,VMware.VimAutomation.

  • 7.  RE: help on cold migrations to different datacenter, same vcenter

    Posted Oct 01, 2012 06:57 PM

    Luc - more info

    I found an old blurb from you.....see BOTTOM of page/thread  (adding the one line $spec )

    ........and implemented it on another "rev" of a script I had  - added the one line  "$spec"   as shown below...........

    $tgtDS = $datastore
    $tgtHost = $vmhost
    $vm = Get-VM $vmname | Get-View
    $esx = Get-VMHost $tgtHost | Get-View
    $parent = $esx.Parent
    while($parent.Type -ne "Datacenter"){
    $parent = (Get-View $parent).Parent
    $dc = Get-View $parent
    $spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineRelocateSpec
    $spec.datastore = (Get-Datastore $tgtDS | Get-View).MoRef
    $ = $esx.MoRef
    $spec.Pool = (Get-Datacenter $dc.Name | Get-ResourcePool -Name "rpl01_High" | Get-View).MoRef

    it is now "working" - yippy!!   - I will test and let you know if I am getting consistent success

  • 8.  RE: help on cold migrations to different datacenter, same vcenter

    Posted Oct 01, 2012 07:07 PM

    That is very strange :smileyconfused:

    In that thread I asked to insert the "$spec" line to dunmp the contents of that object to the console (for debugging purposes).

    That shouldn't make a difference to the call to the RelocateVM method.

    Is the cold migration failing if you remove that line ?

  • 9.  RE: help on cold migrations to different datacenter, same vcenter

    Posted Oct 01, 2012 07:40 PM

    Luc - running out of time today - will report back tomorrow - thanks!!

  • 10.  RE: help on cold migrations to different datacenter, same vcenter

    Posted Oct 02, 2012 02:35 PM

    Luc - it was very strange - ran without $spec and it ran successfully - latest codes snippet supplied previously seems to be working - you can mark/I will mark as answered - the process of getting the script to work was resulting in inconsistent failures/successes - seems to be working now