I guess I'll go with setting das.usedefaultisolationaddress to false and set das.isolationaddress1=router1 and das.isolationaddress2=router2, because I'd like to have a consistent
HA configuration for both hosts. By the way, I'm using leave VMs powered on as isolation response, so even if I screw up the isolationadress stuff it shouldn't make much of a difference. Of course this is arguable, but I can't help it since many don't want their systems to be shutdowned by ESX only because a host thinks it is isolated on a ESXhosts-only a network point of view...
Furthermore, automatic failback is disabled.
Pertaining the das.failuredetectiontime increase to 60 seconds:
It's indeed recommended in the HA best practices and resource management guide, but i really fail to grasp the meaning behind increasing it from the default 15 secs to 60 if you use a single teamed SC Interface.
Isn't the failover of the physical NICs transparent for the SC (and other) Interfaces on vSwitchs? So if one physical uplink vmnic dies, failover occurs within less than a second. Shouldn't the HA heartbeats from the SC be sent out by that interface as soon as the failover completed?