After updating to 7.0 U1, I noticed these messages spamming the logs and while they are related VSAN, I don't use it or have it configured so I can't figure out why they are even showing.
2021-01-24T21:53:24.087Z error vsand[530325] [opID=MainThread cliutils::GetVSANClusterInfo] Failed to query cluster info: Failure
2021-01-24T21:53:29.089Z error vsand[530325] [opID=MainThread cliutils::GetVSANClusterInfo] Failed to query cluster info: Failure
2021-01-24T21:53:33.133Z info vsand[530352] [opID=Thread-2 VsanSystemImpl::_ConfigInfoPrintLog] configInfo: skipped
2021-01-24T21:53:33.133Z info vsand[530352] [opID=Thread-2 VsanSystemImpl::_ConfigInfoPrintLog] configInfo: skipped
Any ideas?