I assume that this Get-VsanVersion is coming from here?
That code hasn't been updated with the latest information from KB2150753
Also, that KB hasn't been updated either to reflect the latest versions.
You could do something like this, but that will not return the VSAN version is shown in that KB.
$vsan = Get-VsanView -Id "VsanVcClusterHealthSystem-vsan-cluster-health-system"
Get-Cluster -PipelineVariable cluster |
ForEach-Object -Process {
Cluster = $cluster.Name
VSANVersion = $vsan.VsanVcClusterQueryVerifyHealthSystemVersions($cluster.ExtensionData.MoRef).VcVersion
Another option is to look at the VSAN vib present on an ESXi in the cluster.
Get-Cluster -PipelineVariable cluster |
ForEach-Object -Process {
$esx = Get-VMHost -Location $cluster | Select-Object -First 1
$esxcli = Get-EsxCli -VMHost $esx -V2
Cluster = $cluster.Name
VSANVersion = ($esxcli.software.vib.get.Invoke(@{vibname = 'vsan' })).Version