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  • 1.  Get-View and -filter

    Posted Feb 23, 2012 07:02 PM

    I am a (relatively) recent convert to get-view due to the amazing increase in speed for running PowerCLI scripts across hundred of ESXi hosts / thousands of VMs.

    I've been struggling with how to do this with a supplied list of VMs?  What I want to do is with a supplied list of VMs get the hardware version and tools version.

    Normally if you wanted a report of everything you'd do the following:

    get-view -viewtype VirtualMachine -property Name, Config | select Name, @{N="HWVersion";E={$_.Config.Version}},@{N="Tools";E={$_.Config.Tools.ToolsVersion}} | ft -auto

    Now reading up on -filter is seems the way to go - but it only uses a hashtable.  ie "Name" = "Foo".  It doesn't seem to handle "Name"=$vmList where $vmList is a collection of mulitple VMs.  I won't go into how if the variable is a single VM that Foo matches Foo and FooBar.

    What I've used is the following:

    $vmList = get-content c:\scripts\import\listofvms.txt

    get-vm $vmList | get-view -property Name, Config | select Name, @{N="HWVersion";E={$_.Config.Version}},@{N="Tools";E=$_.Config.Tools.ToolsVersion}} | ft -auto

    The only problem is I feel like this is a workaround - that this should all be doable using get-view directly.  So - if I wanted to use -filter with a collection of VMs how would I go about doing that?



  • 2.  RE: Get-View and -filter
    Best Answer

    Posted Feb 23, 2012 07:19 PM

    Hi Robert,

    if you use the Get-View cmdlet and want to search for two VM's called foo and bar you have to make a filter with a regular expression. You have to use the vertical bar as an 'or' sign in the regular expression. E.g.

    Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Property Name,Config -Filter @{"Name"="foo|bar"}

    You can use the .NET string Join method to construct the regular expression from the $vmList variable. Like this:

    $vmList = get-content c:\scripts\import\listofvms.txt
    Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Property Name,Config -Filter @{"Name"="$([string]::Join('|',$vmList))"} | `
    Select-Object -Property Name,@{N="HWVersion";E={$_.Config.Version}},@{N="Tools";E={$_.Config.Tools.ToolsVersion}} | `
    Format-Table -AutoSize

    Regards, Robert

    Message was edited by: RvdNieuwendijk Added the explanation at the beginning of the post.

  • 3.  RE: Get-View and -filter

    Posted Feb 23, 2012 08:11 PM

    Thanks Robert.  Used that method several times in the past.  A case of not seeing the forest thru the trees I'm afraid!