Hi all,
Does anyone know how to use PowerCLI to get a list of plugins installed in vCenter, their versions and any other information associated with those plugins? I found Get-vCenterPlugin, per http://www.jonathanmedd.net/2012/02/managing-vcenter-plugins-with-powercli.html, but that doesn't seem to work for me in PowerCLI 6.0 Release 1. Anybody know what I can use instead? Or am I missing something with Get-vCenterPlugin?
Try this
$extMgr = Get-View ExtensionManager
$extMgr.ExtensionList |
select @{N='Name';E={$_.Description.Label}},Version,Company
Thanks. That works. To refine it into one line, I'd think I could do something like
Get-View ExtensionManager | Where-Object Name -like "*ExtensionList*" | select @{N='Name';E={$_.Description.Label}},Version,Company
to make it into one line?
Try like this
Get-View ExtensionManager |Select -ExpandProperty ExtensionList | select @{N='Name';E={$_.Description.Label}},Version,Company
Thanks for the post! This helped to pull the available plugins.
But if we need to know the state of plugin as in whether enabled/disabled, how can we check the status? Please suggest.
Although this thread mentions plugins, it is in fact all about Extensions, not Plugins.
The plugins are, afaik, done through the Web Client API (which I know little or nothing about I'm afraid)
Thanks LucD!
I'm looking to get client plugins installed and their status.
Can you recommend the best approach.
I'm afraid not.You could check in the Web Client Programming Guide but personally I have no experience with those API.