... when i click OK to change password , it takes a lot of time and operation time out ...
This is your real problem. This shows a communication issue between the manager and the ESG(s).
<password > test </password > " can i add this line ?"
Use the call:
PUT /api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/clisettings
Body: application/xml
2 . I was googling that i can Get NSX edges root passwords from /home/secureall/secureall/sem/WEB-INF/classes/GetSpockEdgePassword.sh but there is /GetCliUserEdgePassword.sh as well which i am not able to find in NSX 6.3.2 . is there any way i can get admin password of the Edges.
Yes, there's other files to achieve the password retrieval but I would strongly advise you against it and do it with GSS supervision. Especially the password change. I would recommend first - again - to check what's with that timeout problem.
Do your hosts show up properly under installation tabs? The RabbitMQ service is running on the manager?
Edit: I noticed - after re-reading - that I was wrong here:
> Yes, there's other files to achieve the password retrieval...
There is no procedure to get the "admin" user password and change it from the manager CLI. Only the Manager UI or the API are the way - I know - to change that. From the manager CLI and then from the root mode you can only get the edge "root" user PW.