Agree on the capturing bit. We were just watching packets and transmits on the FT pnics with esxtop and calculating the average throughput and determined that it was maxing out the 1gb link and the server was super slow opening windows and having high cpu spikes, a symptom of FT slowing the primary down to allow the secondary to catch up.
I think the wording is a little ambiguous in the docs you linked to, instead of saying "Use a dedicated 10-Gbit logging network for FT and verify that the network is low latency." maybe drop the "use" and just have "A dedicated 10-Gbit logging network for FT and verify that the network is low latency.".
I say its ambiguous because further down in the same document is a comparison table where is says "Dedicated 10-Gb NIC recommended", found here vSphere 6.0 Documentation Center - Differences Between Legacy FT and FT another issue leading to confusion is if you google 6.0 FT there are lots of sites stating that 10GB is recommended, this is a result of early previews of the product in February that everyone blogged about and we can't do much about those... Hopefully some of them will revisit FT and update their posts after testing.
So with the above comparison in the differences between legacy FT and FT in the docs, plus tons of blog posts saying recommended while researching the issue, and my clients VMware partner stating the same thing and pushing 1GB in their design caused me and my client a bit of a headache. We had initially assumed we were configuring something wrong or some other unforeseen issue but once we stated drilling into the network traffic and measuring it we realized it just wasn't going to work on a 1GB link. Hopefully this thread will serve others in the future if they find themselves in this situation.