I have a very strange config due to the servers being colocated. I have 2 uplinks from my server(s) one uplink is connected to a switch under my control. the first uplink is connected to my stwichand the port is set with vlan tagging. The second uplink is connected to my ISP's network to an untagged port.
I want the NIC conencted to my switch to be active and the the nic connected to the ISP to be standby. The problem is I have to tag the traffic from my virtual machines so when it fails over to my ISP network the untagged port drops all the traffic. The port conencted to my ISP is for failover only.
one solution is to create a second port group on a dedicated vswitch which has no vlan tagging and manually connect all the VM's to this portgroup in the event of a failure.
Ideally I would like to make this automatic, is there any way of automating the above solution? or force all traffic going through a specific vmnic to untagg the traffic?