Thanks for your 'VMX Raiders Revisited' Script. With the help of that script I tried this variation and tested on single VM. It worked.
Any modifications will be helpful for faster and accurate output.
foreach ($VM in (Get-VM 'log1' | Sort-Object -Property Name)) {
foreach ($HardDisk in ($VM | Get-HardDisk | Sort-Object -Property Name)){
$ds = Get-Datastore -Name $HardDisk.Filename.Split(']')[0].TrimStart('[')
$vmdkPath = $HardDisk.Filename.Split(']')[1].TrimStart(' ')
$vmdkPathtrim =$vmdkPath.split('/')[1].trimstart('/')
# Set up Search for .VMDK Files in Datastore
New-PSDrive -Name TgtDS -Location $ds -PSProvider VimDatastore -Root '\' | Out-Null
$vmdksearch = @(Get-ChildItem -Path TgtDS: -Recurse | `
where {$_.FolderPath -notmatch ".snapshot" -and $_.Name -like "$vmdkPathtrim"})
Remove-PSDrive -Name TgtDS
""| select @{N="VM";E={$VM.Name}},
@{N="Hard Disk";E={$HardDisk.Name}},
@{N="VMDK Size";E={($VM.extensiondata.layoutex.file|?{$ -contains $HardDisk.filename.replace(".","-flat.")}).size/1GB}},
@{N="Drive Size";E={$HardDisk.CapacityGB}},
@{N="VMDK Exist In Datastore";E={$vmdksearch}}