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  • 1.  export roles from one vcenter and import to another

    Posted Nov 15, 2016 05:05 PM

    I got 6 vcrnters that I need to create the same role

    how do I export the rtole from one vcenter and import into another?

  • 2.  RE: export roles from one vcenter and import to another

  • 3.  RE: export roles from one vcenter and import to another

    Posted Dec 12, 2016 02:14 PM

    Hi tdubb123

    Did you have a chance to read the blog post I referenced in my previous post? Do you have any additional doubt? If not, remember to mark answers as helpful or correct.

  • 4.  RE: export roles from one vcenter and import to another

    Posted Nov 11, 2022 01:37 AM

    was this ever solved?

  • 5.  RE: export roles from one vcenter and import to another

    Posted Nov 11, 2022 07:36 AM


    Get-VIRole |
    Select @{N='vCenter';E={$_.Uid.Split('@:')[1]}},
      @{N='PrivilegeList';E={[string]::Join([char]10,$_.PrivilegeList)}} |
    Export-Csv -Path .\roles.csv -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture


    Import-Csv -Path .\roles.csv -PipelineVariable row |
    ForEach-Object -Process {
      $Role = @{
        Name = $row.Name
        Privilege = $row.PrivilegeList.Split("`n") | ForEach-Object { Get-VIPrivilege -Id $_ }
        Server = $row.vCenter
        Confirm = $false
        WhatIf = $true

    Note that you will have to exclude the system-defined Roles.
    They are created automatically, and a user can not create those

  • 6.  RE: export roles from one vcenter and import to another

    Posted Nov 10, 2023 04:13 PM

    I know this is an ancient thread but I wanted to say thank you to Luc. This still works in 8.0U2. I have been meaning to find a way to export and import our custom roles for ages and finally got around to it.