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  • 1.  Expanding vCenter v6 Datastore?

    Posted May 12, 2016 03:16 PM

    Our environment consists of 2 ESXi v6 hosts and 2.4 TB of RAID 10 storage. Non-clustered. All storage is under one shared vCenter Datastore. The supporting hardware is a Dell VRTX with a pair of PowerEdge M630 blades.

    The shared vCenter Datastore is a bit low of free storage capacity. And I need to spin up a final server VM that won't comfortably fit against it. The VRTX doesn't offer the ability to expand the storage array, so I cannot insert the new HDD's I have and increase its size. I'd have to rebuild the entire virtual disk, which is something I want to avoid. So instead I would need to insert the new HDD's and create a new Dell virtual disk for these new HDD's.

    Here is my question. If I do create a second Dell virtual disk, can I add them to the existing vCenter Datastore? Or would I have to assign them as a second vCenter Datastore? And if I can indeed add them as an extent of the existing vCenter Datastore, what is the procedure for doing so?

    I have documentation about how to get the new HDD's configured from the Dell VRTX angle. Just would like some pointers about handling things in vCenter!

  • 2.  RE: Expanding vCenter v6 Datastore?

    Posted May 12, 2016 04:59 PM

    Unless you really need all your capacity in a single datastore, I recommend you create a new datastore with the new virtual disk and avoid grow your datastore adding new extent.

    Here are some thought about datastore extents: VMFS Extents - Are they bad, or simply misunderstood? - VMware vSphere Blog - VMware Blogs