Hi all,
My system required an update of vCenter from 5.1 to 6.0 u 2. Going to update proved to be a difficult task due to certificate issues. I ended up just building a new vCenter server and disconnecting the hosts and reconnected the hosts to the new vCenter.
Everything worked perfectly, until I went to go vMotion a VM and then an error popped up.. EVC Compatibility was not enabled and the CPUs on the hosts were different. I had wrongly (so wrongly) assumed they were the same CPU.
Either way, I need to turn it back on to vMotion. Everything I've read states it requires a shut down of the machines, but the if you select the same EVC Compatibility level as the old vCenter, it shows no errors ("Compatibility succeeded").
I did not hit "ok" to change the EVC Compatibility of the cluster because I wasn't sure how the servers would react (since everything I read states this requires the servers to be turned off). Because I connected the hosts into a cluster with EVC disabled while the VMs were still online, did they stay in this mode? Would I see any negative affects by hitting ok since it is not returning any errors when I go to select EVC Compatibility at the same level it was at before?
This is a production system, and like all of us, my biggest fear is to bring down production machines. Normally I would just click ok to see what happens, especially since it seems like vCenter is telling me it's fine, but I'd like to know if this is accurate. Thank you!!