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  • 1.  ESXi6 - VM Stun while extending thick eager zero disk

    Posted Feb 21, 2016 11:00 AM


    There a know bug in ESXi6.0 which causes virtual machine stun while extending thick eager disk.

    As per below link, I tried to convert the disk to lazy zero before extending it.

    VMware KB: Extending an eager-zeroed virtual disk causes virtual machine stun in ESXi 6.0 GA/ 6.0 U1

    But even after svmotion with converting a disk to lazy zero, it was showing thick zero in vCenter, web client and command line. I then proceeded to extend a disk from 50GB to 100GB which cause my VM to stun.

    Is there any other workaround to extend a thick eager zero disk without causing a vm to stun in ESXi6?

  • 2.  RE: ESXi6 - VM Stun while extending thick eager zero disk
    Best Answer

    Posted Feb 28, 2016 08:50 AM

    It is confirmed with VMware that converting thick eager zero to lazy zero has issue in ESXi 6.0U1a and is resolved in update 1b.

    The workaround of the issue is:

    • svmotion thick eager zero disk to any other datastore and change the type to thin during svmotion.
    • Verify the type is thin
    • Now extend a disk
    • Again svmotion the disk to original datastore and this time change the type as thick eager zero

    You will get the option to change the disk type under advanced settings during svmotion.