THanks James. I have few more questions and thanks for entertaining a newbie
What do you mean with "while segregating them as much as possible"
In each ESX server, I have at least 10 VMs running and spread them across two vswitch.
I understand that its better to remove the management network from the Vswitch 0 - that is i will be creating vswitch 3 which should contain only the management network and having 2 Physical Nics assigned to it.
We have 2 Virtual Switches
VSwitch 0 - with ports 0,1,4,5
has the following:
- vswitch (nic teaming enabled)
- vm network
- management network (nic teaming enabled)
Vswitch 1 - with ports 2,3,6,7
has the following:
- vswitch (nic teaming enabled)
- vmnetwork
Target -------------------
vswitch 0 - with ports 0,1,4
vswitch 1 - with ports 2,3,6
vswitch 2 - with ports 5,7
- management network
Both vswitch0 and 1 will have 5 vms each. while vswitch 2 will have management network only.
I dont have vmotion license so the vmotion network is not being used.
Also, will having mutiple ports add the throughput aside from redundancy?
Is it better to have 5 Vms in 2 switches or to have 1 switch with 1 Vm assign to it? Someone advised me that to ensure faster speed, its better to have 1 NIC per 1 VM -- dedicated NIC per VM, but that will be a sure unredundant configuration.
One thought I have is that if the Vswitch has few VMs assigned, the better the speed (eg. 1 VM per 1 vswitch with 2 physical nics). Meaning, lesser VMs usign the switches.