Hello everyone!
I have several ESXi hosts and one vCenter appliance. All infrastructure working on 6.5 version. All hosts are in DRS cluster with no automatic migration enabled - when it was enabled the situation described below happens more frequently.
There is a huge problem in this environment: host are hardly ever stays in Connected state. Most of the time they are in Not responding state.
In this time all VMs are working properly, I can log in to ESXi SSH shel and to vCenter itself.
i _cannot_ login to:
- DCUI - it hangs up on password screen
- WebUI - It either hangs on blank blue screen or it said "Connection to ESXi host timed out"
Every esxcli command is hanging up, also as df -h command.
I cannot restart management services.
If I reboot the system, it goes online and work for some time. but that will happen again.
Sometimes host are flapping and shown as Connected in the vCenter for several minutes.