VMware vSphere

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  • 1.  ESXi host not responding

    Posted Jul 19, 2018 03:05 PM

    Hello everyone!

    I have several ESXi hosts and one vCenter appliance. All infrastructure working on 6.5 version. All hosts are in DRS cluster with no automatic migration enabled - when it was enabled the situation described below happens more frequently.

    There is a huge problem in this environment: host are hardly ever stays in Connected state. Most of the time they are in Not responding state.

    In this time all VMs are working properly, I can log in to ESXi SSH shel and to vCenter itself.

    i _cannot_ login to:

    1. DCUI - it hangs up on password screen
    2. WebUI - It either hangs on blank blue screen or it said "Connection to ESXi host timed out"

    Every esxcli command is hanging up, also as df -h command.

    I cannot restart management services.

    If I reboot the system, it goes online and work for some time. but that will happen again.

    Sometimes host are flapping and shown as Connected in the vCenter for several minutes.

  • 2.  RE: ESXi host not responding

    Posted Jul 19, 2018 06:52 PM

    Not responding hosts is usually a storage related issue. How's the performance of your SAN? Are you running the latest recommended firmware and drivers for your hosts?

  • 3.  RE: ESXi host not responding
    Best Answer

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jul 19, 2018 08:57 PM


    Plaese check the vobd.log and make sure you are not seeing any vmnic flapping issue or APD issue.

    cat /var/log/vobd.log | grep -i vmnic

    cat /var/log/vobd.log | grep -i "All Paths Down"

    cat /var/log/vmkernel.log | grep -i "All Paths Down"

    >>>> Share the output of the above ( if possible )

    You can refer the below KB article also -

    1. VMware ESX/ESXi 4.x/5.x and 6.x hosts in All-Paths-Down (APD) condition may appear as Not Responding in VMware vCenter Server - https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1030980

    2. Permanent Device Loss (PDL) and All-Paths-Down (APD) in vSphere 5.x and 6.x - https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2004684 

    " Please consider marking this answer "correct" or "helpful" if you think your question have been answered correctly."



  • 4.  RE: ESXi host not responding

    Posted Jul 20, 2018 06:25 AM


    Thank you for your answer. I have checked vobd.log and it contains some problems I'll look into. vmkernel.log hasn't.

    But here's some "new" facts: I have blocked any network access from vCenter server to ESXi hosts, and now all hosts are 'up' and reachable via WebUI or any other. and all esxcli commands or df -h are executed in normal way. How can it be relevant to this issue?


  • 5.  RE: ESXi host not responding

    Posted Jul 13, 2022 05:43 AM

    hi inck,


    I'm having the same problem as yours. Could you share your steps to resolve this?


    Thank you


  • 6.  RE: ESXi host not responding

    Posted Jul 19, 2018 09:42 PM

    I agree with the previous answers. Usually a storage problem is the cause of unresponsive shells and UIs. Maybe there is an APD or PDL event in the logs. Otherwise I would check the IOPS load on the storage.

    Best regards,
