my vmk0 is my management int and my vmk1 is my vmotion
but when type in esxcfg-route
it shows my local gateway and the interface is vmk2
why is that?
have you set you vmkernel gateway?
yes vmkernel is set. vmotion is set on using vmk1.
vmk0, vmk1, vmk2, vmk3 are in use
vmk0 is management
vmk1 is vmotion
vmk2 is iscsi
vmk3 is iscsi
all on the same network.
but why is esxcfg-route show vmk2
Are you using host profiles? It's been known to re-order the vmk nics and move the management vmk to another number.
no not using host profiles. I know its recommended that iscsi and vmotion are on different vlan but i cannot separate them out.
Can you post the exact output of the command?