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  • 1.  ESX 4 upgrade confussion

    Posted Jan 15, 2014 10:21 AM

    Hello All;

    Well like the the title says, I'm truly confused. 

    I have vCenter 5.1 running for 3 hosts.  1 of the hosts was set up with VMware ESX4.1, Build 1363503.  I'm finally upgrading the host but I'm researching & getting conflicting stories so maybe someone can help ?

    On an different topic regarding DCUI, Another member noted that you cannot upgrade, It had to be an fresh install which is NOT an option since the guests are sharepoint, sql, web servers, etc.


    You can connect to the Service Console but keep in mind there is no way to do an in place upgrade from ESX to ESXi -either 4 or 5 - it has to be a fresh install -

    But if I google the topic, I find multiple results with:

    Can anyone shed some light on this discussion ?  I cannot afford to lose any guests so an fresh install is not an option but I need to upgrade to 5.1. 

    Thanks in advance!

  • 2.  RE: ESX 4 upgrade confussion

    Posted Jan 15, 2014 10:56 AM

    If you have vCenter you could migrate the VMs off of the 4.1 host and do a fresh install. Which is what I recommend if coming from ESX. ESX and ESXi have different partition layouts which can be a deal breaker and from an architecture standpoint they are completely different. I am also making the assumption that you are using some type of shared storage. Also, if a datastore is detected a fresh install can be done while preserving the datastore.

  • 3.  RE: ESX 4 upgrade confussion

    Posted Jan 15, 2014 11:02 AM

    Thanks for the fast reply rmtilson.

    We are NOT using shared storage (YET).  I cannot get convenience management.

    The physical server is an Dell R510 using:
    Raid 1 (Drive 0 & Drive 1)

    Raid 5 (Drive 2 - Drive 5) 

    Looks like the previous administrator put the esxconsole on datastore 1

    On that note;  Would the vCenter Update Manager break the datastores & i'd lose my guests ?  &  should I use an convertor to transfer the guests from 1 host to another, do the fresh install and then move them back when complete ?

  • 4.  RE: ESX 4 upgrade confussion

    Posted Jan 15, 2014 11:48 AM

    In ESXi 5.1 does not use a console port for management but a vmkernel port. Like I said before ESX and ESXi are architecturally different on a software level.

    Also ESXi 5.1 has a different partition layout compared to 4.1 which means an upgrade will not work. If you get the upgrade baselines configured in VUM and then scan the host to see if the upgrade is possible. If not review the VUM logs to see why not. I did a project a couple months ago going from ESX 4.1 to ESXi 5.1 and I had do fresh installs because they were failing the upgrade scan. What I did was do a fresh install while preserving the local datastore.

    Try migrating the VM using the "Change both host and datastore" option in the Migrate Virtual Machine wizard. This might require the VM to be powered off to complete and I would try using the web client to take advantage of enhanced vMotion. Some of these features depend on the license level.

    Also, check your host against the HCL and if possible a vendor customized iso of 5.1 and make sure you have current backups of the VMs.

  • 5.  RE: ESX 4 upgrade confussion

    Posted Jan 15, 2014 12:30 PM

    thanks again. I'm going to run the ESX analyzer and i'll comment back with the results.  In the meantime, Why are their videos & forums regarding the upgrade without losing their guests (Stated above) ?  I'm not trying to be smart. I truly appreciate your insight but confused how others did it without losing their guests. 

  • 6.  RE: ESX 4 upgrade confussion

    Posted Jan 15, 2014 02:58 PM

    I'm thinking the easiest way to perform this update is to migrate the virtual guests to another host (which I have plenty of room); fresh install ESXi 5.1 and re-migrate the virtual guest back to the original host.

    Q.  ESXi5.0 to ESXi5.1 update through vCenter Update Manager is allowable & the most preferred method, correct ?  (Different hosts that what is referenced above)

  • 7.  RE: ESX 4 upgrade confussion
    Best Answer

    Posted Jan 15, 2014 03:47 PM

    You know I stand corrected - from, Page 152


    Supported Upgrades to ESXi 5.5


    You can upgrade an ESXi 5.0.x or ESXi 5.1.x host directly to ESXi 5.5, and in most cases, you can migrate an

    ESX 4.x or upgrade an ESXi 4.x host directly to ESXi 5.5.

    The details and level of support for an upgrade or migration from version 4.x ESX and ESXi hosts, and

    version 5.0.x and 5.1.x ESXi hosts, to ESXi 5.5 depend on the host to be upgraded and the upgrade method

    that you use.

  • 8.  RE: ESX 4 upgrade confussion

    Posted Jan 17, 2014 02:12 PM

    As i did the upgrade yesterday.  I did not use Update Manager as i was scared (LOL).    I used an bootable CD ISO and it walked me right through the upgrade and preserved the datastores & virtual guests.  On to the next 1.