These issue existed prior to the upgrade.
[FAIL] Certificate expiration check
73:10:A1:B8:A9:FC:C6:1C:BB:84:13:B5:FD:63:08:DD:23:9E:EB:E6: Cert expired 334 days ago!
For information on renewing the vmdir certificate, see:
When I go to that link it dowloads a file named IDK what that would do to address this issue.
The second issue is with this:
[PASS] Certificate SAN check
Checking VC Extension Thumbprints
[FAIL] com.vmware.vim.eam Thumbprint Check
PROBLEM: Thumbprint mismatch detected with com.vmware.vim.eam.
Please follow to update the thumbprint.
[FAIL] com.vmware.rbd Thumbprint Check
PROBLEM: Thumbprint mismatch detected with com.vmware.rbd.
Please follow to update the thumbprint.
[INFO] com.vmware.imagebuilder Thumbprint Check
com.vmware.imagebuilder not found in registered extensions (not in use)
When I try following the directions in the KB, it fails with this error:
Should I even be concerned with these issues? I'm new again to VMWare and just trying to clear all issues reported by VDT and SHD.