Hi everyone,
I build a lab with these information:
01 server installed DNS and Active Directory
02 server installed only PSC, name: psc1.tuna.local, psc2.tuna.local
01 server installed vcenter with extenal PSC pointed to psc1.
But when i run the command to repoint psc from psc1 to psc2, i receive the error like this:
C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\bin>cmsso-util repoint --repoint-psc psc2.tuna.local
C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\python-modules\identity\vmkeystore.py:4:
RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for struct client already registered; second conversion method ignored.
import identity.vmafd as vmafd
C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\python-modules\identity\vmkeystore.py:4:
RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for class vmafd_exception already registered; second conversion method ignored.
import identity.vmafd as vmafd
Validating Provided Configuration ...
Validation Completed Successfully.
Executing repointing steps. This will take few minutes to complete.
Please wait ...
2018-12-11T04:48:08.080Z RC = 1
Stdout =
Stderr = Error 1: Possible errors:
LDAP error: Operations error
Win Error: Incorrect function.
"resolution": null,
"detail": [
"args": [
"Stderr: Error 1: Possible errors: \r\nLDAP error: Operations er
ror \r\nWin Error: Incorrect function.\r\r\n\r\n"
"id": "install.ciscommon.command.errinvoke",
"localized": "An error occurred while invoking external command : 'S
tderr: Error 1: Possible errors: \r\nLDAP error: Operations error \r\nWin Error:
Incorrect function.\r\r\n\r\n'",
"translatable": "An error occurred while invoking external command :
"componentKey": null,
"problemId": null
Failed to set psc2.tuna.local as the new Platform Services Controller
Can anyone help me to resolve this problem? Thanks.