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  • 1.  Enable to track log for Process service

    Posted Jun 23, 2009 02:16 PM

    I have just started to use Hyperic HQ. I have installed the open source version on windows platform. Now i am trying to configure it.
    I added a new platform service : a Process that i want to track the log. This process is the Tomcat service. Then i indicated the path to log files but i got nothing on the monitor view.

    Can any one help me to figure out haw to track logs for services or servers ?

    Thank you

  • 2.  RE: Enable to track log for Process service

    Posted Jun 24, 2009 03:22 PM
    I have the same problem t tried to put the log of a process that I monitor after autodiscover it but i didn't success to see the log in the interface i thought may be it's because the log of my process doesn't respect the script of agent log or the server log ther's not the field ERROR or WARNING so i have added them but it still didn't work.
    It seems that the HQ Ui detect only the agent and server log to track them.
    What do you think?

  • 3.  RE: Enable to track log for Process service

    Posted Jun 25, 2009 07:50 AM
    I have the same remark !!!

    I got a lot of trouble every time i want to add some server or services. I don't understand how that's HQ work. The documentation describe things that doesn't work.

    I'm searching for more technical details but i only found User Guides.
    Have any one an idea where to found technical support ???

  • 4.  RE: Enable to track log for Process service

    Posted Jun 25, 2009 08:25 AM

    the documentation is quite comprehensive. If you are looking for a short, but very useful guide please read Hyperic HQ Tour:

    You will get a certain amount of support here in the user forums ;-) or contact


  • 5.  RE: Enable to track log for Process service

    Posted Jun 25, 2009 10:08 AM
    Thank you for your responses!!

    Yes i read these documentation. What i m searching for is more details like are there any restrictions about the log File type or any other thing to enable HQ to analyses it ?!!

    The Event/Log shows on the monitor screen if there is an alert about a HQ defined metric but nothing is indicated if notifications are written in the log of the process i watch.

  • 6.  RE: Enable to track log for Process service

    Posted Jun 25, 2009 08:21 AM

    >Then i indicated the path to log files but i got nothing on the monitor view.

    You will need to specify a comma-delimited list of log files to track.
    Did you read the log tracking/ configuration tracking howto ?

    Start without any kind of filter, just grep everything from a logfile and then check on the monitor page of your resource the timeline on the bottom of the page for log events.
