Few things to be noted here before planning to DR.
Are you looking for Site Resilience in WAN network?
Are you looking for DR in same datacenter?
Are you looking for DR in LAN/MAN Network?
Once decided above, you have to define RPO/RTO for recovery during disaster. How much data should be maximum loss, and how much time it should take maximum to bring site up.
Once decided RPO/RTO, go for which kind of data recovery you are looking for? Asynchronous Replication or backup through Tape?
Once all answers in hand, here are few options you can plan DR.
SRM (Site Recovery Manager) - Since you have small infrastructure, it will be bit costly. However as best practices, you can go with this if cost is not constraint.
Short Plan:-
- Install VC in two different sites.
- Install SRM in both sites.
- Ask storage team to provide replicated LUNs to be used for this VMs.
- Configure SRM as Protected and Recovery Site. Refer to SRM guide for more depth details.
Use 2 sites and restore backup from tape in case of any disaster.
Use replicated LUN for VMs.
Use 2 sites in different location.
Make visible these LUNs to other site and register VM to that site, in case of disaster.