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  • 1.  Difference between vCenter alarm state and severity

    Posted Apr 17, 2023 11:02 PM


    vCenter alarms can have three states: Normal – green, Warning – yellow or Alert – red. vCenter Alarm severity can be either warning or critical.

    It seems that the Warning – yellow or Alert – red states of the vCenter Alarm are reflected by the severity of the Alarm as well e.g. 

    1) If alarm has state of "Warning – yellow", it will always have a severity of "Warning"

    2) If alarm has state of "Alert – red", it will have always have a severity of "Alert"


    Is my understanding correct?

  • 2.  RE: Difference between vCenter alarm state and severity

    Posted Apr 17, 2023 11:09 PM

    Hi ,

    I would say yes, however refer to this documentation for complete details with Alarm and Severity etc.

    Monitoring Events, Alarms, and Automated Actions (

  • 3.  RE: Difference between vCenter alarm state and severity

    Posted Apr 18, 2023 03:49 PM

    Hi Shen. The documentation is not clear. It does not mention anything about states. That's why I had to ask this question here. Can you or someone give me a confirmation that what I'm thinking is correct?