Thank you for the feedback!
I ended up finding a solution based on your feedback and others.
Here is the script I ended up with that is working well so far for what I need it for immediately.
Thanks again!
$VMHOSTS = Get-Cluster 'Westcreek' | Get-VMHOST | Sort name
$NumVMs = 3
$NEW_VMS = (1..$NumVMs)
$myTemplate = Get-Template -Name Win7temp
$mySpecification = Get-OSCustomizationSpec -Name win7
$i = 0
ForEach ($VM in $NEW_VMS) {
New-VM -Name test$($VM) -VMHost $($VMHOSTS[$i]) -ResourcePool Hosts -Template $myTemplate -OSCustomizationSpec $mySpecification -Datastore VMs2 -DiskStorageFormat Thin
If ($i -ge $VMHOSTS.count) {$i=0}