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  • 1.  delete orphaned cp-template and cp-replicas in VCenter

    Posted May 24, 2022 05:10 PM

    We previously had a Horizon View installation that we decommissioned and removed all the VM's and storage for the associated horizon servers in VCenter.  Unfortunately I still have a few cp-template and cp-replica vm's listed in Vcenter that do not have an option to delete them (it is just grayed out).  How do we purge these old references in VCenter without having Horizon to manage them anymore?  

  • 2.  RE: delete orphaned cp-template and cp-replicas in VCenter

    Posted May 25, 2022 12:55 PM

    If you have horizon installed, you can try the steps in the kb

    or you may have to reach out to GSS as it requires to identify the vms and remove them from vcenter database manually.

