I need help with this issue.
In my datacenter I have 2 licensed Esxi 7.0 host (no vcenter) and few productions servers on it. I have Synology SAN which is presenting iSCSI LUNs to both esxi hosts and all VMs are on that host. one of the LUN 7tb in size I was expanding by another 500gb.
The procedure I followed is I disabled Mapping for this LUN from SAN and then expanded it successfully. But now the datastore started to show 0Byte available/free/in use. I tried expand but no go. Scanned/refreshed datastore/Target in esxi host but still no good luck. Trying to unmount datastore but unmount option is not available in the menu.
Another thing I noticed that LUN in question shows fine on second ESXi host and partition shows fine on virtual machine and files/folders accessible fine.