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  • 1.  Datastore is asking to format

    Posted Apr 02, 2019 06:57 AM

    Dear All,

    we have one data store 4.5 TB which is already mapped to one Esxi 6.5 host and working fine, but when we are trying to add same data store in another Esxi 6.5  host its showing that we have to format. I am afraid if I will ad  that it will erased all my data.

    please suggest how can i add without formatting



  • 2.  RE: Datastore is asking to format

    Posted Apr 02, 2019 09:46 AM

    Hi Aziz_Husain,

    Agree you don’t want to format it or this could be a really bad day :smileyhappy:

    Is it possible to get some more details like: storage type, storage protocol, etc. Strictly speaking is should be simply a case of presenting the LUN to the new ESXi server and then scanning for new storage.

    Kind regards.

  • 3.  RE: Datastore is asking to format

    Posted Apr 02, 2019 10:49 AM

    Hello Aziz,

    could u please share more info, Any specific error?type of storage etc.,

  • 4.  RE: Datastore is asking to format

    Posted Apr 02, 2019 11:35 AM

    I am sure on second host you are starting 'add datastore' wizard.

    As ThompsG​ mentioned. You need to format it once only while adding it on first esxi host. On second and followings hosts you need to make sure you have configured HBAs correctly for ISCSi or FC and rescan adapters for newly presented device lun. This will mount datastore itself.