That’s funny - we use mount points at work and I completely forgot they were an option as well. The main reason we did it is legacy, I.e. before greater than 2TB VMDK.
While we could revisit and create a single drive of multi TB in size there are still advantages to leaving it this way. The biggest is backup as we can treat each folder (Mount Point) as an individual object.
continuum is right however that it needs to be documented. Even then I have lost count of the number of times people get confused with what is happening. For Linux people this is probably considered normal and for those of us old enough to remembed ESX Classic this was part of your day. Not anymore and the bemused look on people’s faces is often priceless especially when they check the free space and drive size on the volume these live in, I.e. how can we fit 3TB of data in a 1GB drive :smileyhappy:
Also if you are using in-guest agents for backups, make sure if supports mount points. Some backups cannot follow the junction point so either back it up as a file or something else. Monitoring software also needs to understand mount points as it needs to monitor the freespace in the folders not the root system.