in vSphere, i'm trying to use the free space from another datastore..
So I have 2 data stores currently: 20 Gig and 40 Gig capacities
Datastore1 has only 2Gig free and i have plenty of free space on datastore 2
When i go under 'Edit settings' on first VM, an Add 2nd hard drive, the 'location' i specify 'datastore2' and disk size i change to 38Gig..
This works as first VM powers on and can see 2nd hard drive with the space available..
However, due to swap file issues, VM 2 is now broke, and will not power on.. So i'm trying to find out a:) the 'sweet spot' of how much to leave?? I've tries under VM options of 2nd VM to place swap file elsewhere, but and/or workaround by adjusting resources to full memory as somehow it worked for some people with "no swap space" but in this case, neither of these worked.
Obviously it would depend on the disk size of the 2nd VM in all cases: for instance (leave 8Gig free for... or leave 10 gig free etc...) is there a rule of thumb?
If i remove 2nd hard drive from 1st VM, 2nd one powers back up as normal... Basically, i'm trying to figure out what point it breaks:
2nd vm fails
It can be done, because after powering on 1st VM with two hard drives Windows detects second one with freespace coming from datastore 2, but unfortunately breaks 2nd vm from powering on.