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  • 1.  Cross vCenter xVCvMotion design

    Posted Aug 30, 2017 08:40 AM

    Hi Communities

    I have been unable to get the networking requirements confirmed for this to work .

    All these years we have been saying use a little fake non routed network for local site vmotion VMK1 .

    Taking clients forward to vSphere 6 now , with all these share nothing , and cross vCenter vMotion , how will this work ?

    IF your current VLANs are carried over from lets say ESX5.5 with local subnets for vmotion , how will cross DC vMotion work ?

    Will it use VMK 0 's routable network if the network pinned for vMotion HOT traffic cannot be reached ?

    Example Site A

    VMK0 ESXI Management - 10.10.10.X with a valid GW , routable to 10.10.20 .X

    VMK1 vMotion - 192.168.10.X - local VLAN , cannot get to site B

    Guest networks -  , stretched

    Example ESXI Management Site B

    VMK0 - 10.10.20 .X with a valid GW , , routable to 10.10.10 .X

    VMK1 vMotion - 192.168.20.X - local VLAN , cannot get to site B

    Guest networks -  , stretched

    Also in vsphere 6.0 , what is the official stand point for VSS and VDS for cross vCenter ?

    Any thoughts ? KBs I have missed ?

  • 2.  RE: Cross vCenter xVCvMotion design

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Sep 04, 2017 08:27 AM


    Not quite sure what you mean by this.

    "All these years we have been saying use a little fake non routed network for local site vmotion VMK"

    Are you referencing specific setup documentation?

    This feature was only introduced in vSphere 6.0. The networking requirements are details in the KB below:

    Cross vCenter Server vMotion requirements in VMware vSphere 6.0 and later

    VSS to VDS is not possible. The Network Compatability check will detect this config problem. Details herel

    Hope that helps.

  • 3.  RE: Cross vCenter xVCvMotion design

    Posted Sep 06, 2017 10:59 AM

    Hi Thank you for the feedback . From one of the diagrams you linked me to it appears that the vMotion IP range ( typically VMK1 ) from VC/Site 1 must be able to talk to the vMotion IP on VC/Site2 . So that covers my question . We currently have LOCAL non routable vmotion VLANs in each Site. I will need to have this changed to either a spanned/stretched/or at least routable network .