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  • 1.  Creator of Snapshot

    Posted Feb 01, 2021 03:43 PM

    I currently have a report showing me old snaps, but I would like to add who created the snap if possible.  Here is what I have:

    # Variables #
    $date = Get-Date -format "yyyy-MMM-d"
    $datetime = Get-Date
    $filelocation = "\var\www\Snapshots\snapshot-$date.htm"

    # Content #
    $tgtDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-2)
    $report = Get-VM | Get-Snapshot |
    where { $_.vm -NotLike "*_replica*" -and $_.Created -lt $tgtDate } |
    Select-Object vm, name, sizeGB, created, powerstate

    # Add Text to the HTML file #
    $report | ConvertTo-Html –title "VMware Snapshot Check " –body "<H1>VMware Snapshot Check</H1>" -head "<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' type='text/css' />" | Out-File $filelocation
    ConvertTo-Html –title "VMware Snapshot Check " –body "<H4>Date and time</H4>",$datetime -head "<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' type='text/css' />" | Out-File -Append $filelocation
    ConvertTo-Html –title "VMware Snapshot Check " –body "<H4>VM Count</H4>",$report.Count -head "<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' type='text/css' />" | Out-File -Append $filelocation

  • 2.  RE: Creator of Snapshot

    Posted Feb 01, 2021 03:54 PM

    That has to go via the events, have a look at PowerCLI SnapShot Creator in Report - VMware Technology Network VMTN

    Read till the end 

  • 3.  RE: Creator of Snapshot

    Posted Feb 02, 2021 08:27 PM

    I messed around with what you had there, and I got it to spit out the following:

    Name :
    SnapShot : 02.01.2021|2.1.21
    SnapShot Created : 2/2/2021 5:30:09 AM,2/1/2021 6:28:46 PM
    Days Old :
    Created By :

    Name : isd4000-cinas
    SnapShot : 1.7.21
    SnapShot Created : 01/07/2021 18:11:48
    Days Old : 25
    Created By :

    Name :
    SnapShot : 1.28.21
    SnapShot Created : 01/28/2021 20:52:31
    Days Old : 4
    Created By :

    Name : Cloudfax2.
    SnapShot : 12.31.20|cloudfax2
    SnapShot Created : 1/1/2021 12:00:01 AM,6/23/2020 5:45:08 AM
    Days Old :
    Created By :

    And to be clear this is what I ran:

    Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Filter @{'Runtime.PowerState'='poweredOn';'Snapshot'=".+"} |
     Select -First 50 Name,
     function Get-Snap{
     $snap.ChildSnapshotList | %{
     Get-Snap -Snap $_
     $script:snaps = $_.Snapshot.RootSnapshotList | %{
     Get-Snap -Snap $_
     ($script:snaps | sort-Object -property Name).Name -join '|'}},
     @{N='SnapShot Created';E={($script:snaps | sort-Object -property Name).CreateTime -join ','}},
     @{N="Days Old";E={(New-TimeSpan -End (Get-Date) -Start $script:snaps.CreateTime).Days}},
     @{N='Created By';E={$snapevent = Get-VIEvent -Entity $_ -Types Info -Finish $_.created -MaxSamples 1 | Where-Object {$_.FullFormattedMessage -imatch 'Task: Create virtual machine snapshot'}

  • 4.  RE: Creator of Snapshot

    Posted Feb 02, 2021 08:34 PM

    You left out the part where the script looks for the corresponding TaskEvent.
    You need to do that because that is where the User comes from.

  • 5.  RE: Creator of Snapshot

    Posted Apr 12, 2022 03:51 PM

    Thank you for your help on this, I got this almost perfect, but I am trying to find a way to only report snapshots 5 days older but I am not sure how do this via Get-View   This is what I got so far:

    # Variables #
    $date = Get-Date -format "yyyy-MMM-d"
    $datetime = Get-Date
    $filelocation = "\var\www\Snapshots\snapshot-$date.htm"

    # Content #

    $timeDiff = 2
    $report = Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Filter @{'Runtime.PowerState'='poweredOn';'Snapshot'=".+"} |
    Select -First 50 Name,
    function Get-Snap{
    $snap.ChildSnapshotList | %{
    Get-Snap -Snap $_
    $script:snaps = $_.Snapshot.RootSnapshotList | %{
    Get-Snap -Snap $_
    ($script:snaps | sort-Object -property Name).Name -join '|'}},
    @{N='SnapShot Created';E={($script:snaps | sort-Object -property Name).CreateTime -join '|'}},
    @{N="Days Old";E={
    $now = Get-Date
    ($script:snaps | %{(New-TimeSpan -End $now -Start $_.CreateTime).Days}) -join '|'}},
    @{N='Created By';E={
    $startEvents = $script:snaps.CreateTime
    $start = $startEvents | Sort-Object | Select -First 1
    (Get-VIEvent -Entity $_.Name -Start $start.AddSeconds(- $timeDiff) -MaxSamples ([int]::MaxValue) |
    Where-Object {$_ -is [VMware.Vim.TaskEvent] -and $_.Info.DescriptionId -eq 'VirtualMachine.createSnapshot'} |
    ForEach-Object -Process {
    $event = $_
    $startEvents | ForEach-Object -Process {
    if([math]::Abs((New-TimeSpan -Start $event.CreatedTime -End $_.ToLocalTime()).TotalSeconds) -lt $timeDiff){
    } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UserName) -join '|'}}

    # Add Text to the HTML file #
    $report | ConvertTo-Html –title "VMware Snapshot Check " –body "<H1>VMware Snapshot Check</H1>" -head "<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' type='text/css' />" | Out-File $filelocation
    ConvertTo-Html –title "VMware Snapshot Check " –body "<H4>Date and time</H4>",$datetime -head "<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' type='text/css' />" | Out-File -Append $filelocation
    ConvertTo-Html –title "VMware Snapshot Check " –body "<H4>VM Count</H4>",$report.Count -head "<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' type='text/css' />" | Out-File -Append $filelocation

  • 6.  RE: Creator of Snapshot

    Posted Apr 12, 2022 04:03 PM

    You could try adding a Where-clause

          $script:snaps = $_.Snapshot.RootSnapshotList | 
          where{$_.CreateTime -le (Get-Date).AddDays(-5) | % {
            Get-Snap -Snap $_


  • 7.  RE: Creator of Snapshot

    Posted Apr 12, 2022 04:37 PM
      |   view attached

    This mostly worked, it removed the fields of some but not the name, here is a screen shot.

  • 8.  RE: Creator of Snapshot

    Posted Apr 12, 2022 04:57 PM

    If you don't want to see those VMs at all, you will have to add an additional Where-clause after the initial Get-View.
    But that would require some basic changes to the code.
    Perhaps easier to filter out those entries at the end.

    $report | 
    where{$_.Snapshot -ne ''} |
    ConvertTo-Html –Title "VMware Snapshot Check " –Body "<H1>VMware Snapshot Check</H1>" -Head "<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' type='text/css' />" | Out-File $filelocation