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  • 1.  Creating Applications in vCOPS custom UI

    Posted Dec 11, 2012 02:30 AM


    I am having a go at creating some applications and custom dashboards in vCOPS Custom UI.
    I just created an application and when I want to add VM to the tiers I actually get a lot of instances of the VM.

    Under the list it shows the name of the VM and resource kind and then 3 identifiers. Identifier 1 and 3 are identical.
    Identifier 2 differs for each instance (e.g vm-12345)
    My question is which entry do I pick and why are there so many for some VM but not others?
    I am not sure but I wonder if it has something to do with being protected by SRM.

    Depending on which one I pick I get no data.

    Hope this make sense

  • 2.  RE: Creating Applications in vCOPS custom UI

    Posted Dec 11, 2012 02:43 AM

    We ran into the same problem. SRM creates a second VM based on the source VM in the protection group. That second VM is probably a member of a different vCenter, which means it may have a different UUID. I believe VMware is looking at better integration - or at least vcOps awareness of SRM protected VMs and reconciliation of the UUIDs. As long as one of the VMs is live, you should be receiving data from it.

  • 3.  RE: Creating Applications in vCOPS custom UI

    Posted Dec 11, 2012 01:35 PM

    A possible approach here is to leverage Tagging. From env overview create a tag group  and sub groups for SRM and non SRM related vms and then drag and drop the vms into the right group. Back in app creation, you can then sort on that tag group and should make creating app tiers quicker and cleaner.

  • 4.  RE: Creating Applications in vCOPS custom UI
    Best Answer

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Dec 11, 2012 01:33 PM

    Hi AllBlack, the response from mlebied is correct - you will see multiple instances of VMs if the VM has been protected with SRM or basically any reason for the VM to have a new MOID.

    However, it's easy to select the VM that is the current "live" VM by choosing from the VM Entity Status > Powered ON

    See the attached screen shot.

  • 5.  RE: Creating Applications in vCOPS custom UI

    Posted Dec 13, 2012 09:25 PM

    Very helpful suggestions!
