Hi Steve,
I'll try to help although I will say in advance I haven't tried it, this is just from what I read in the vmkfstools man.
From what I saw, there is a way to copy the data into an RDM LUN:
vmkfstools -i /vmfs/volumes/<VMDK-Directory>/<VMDK-Name>.vmdk -d rdmp:/vmfs/devices/disks/vml.<vml_ID>:0 /vmfs/volumes/<Destination-VMDK-Directory>/<Destination-VMDK-Name>.vmdk
The vml.<vml_ID> is basically a pointer to the disk identifier (wether it's an eui, naa or mpx). The easiest way I found to find which lun has which ID is through the vSphere client: Configuration>Storage>Devices and there you can match between the LUN and the Identifier fields. Than through the CLI you can run the following command to find the Identifier to vml mapping:
ls -l /vmfs/devices/disks/ | grep <Disk-Identifier>
You can than add the new disk by adding it through the vSphere Client as a regular existing disk. You will however need to do some operation on the MS cluster itself. In my opinion the best way is to shutdown the cluster, unmount the cluster disk, copy the RDM, remove the old RDM and mount the new one with the old one's mount point. I would also strongly recommend testing this before trying that on production servers.
Good luck, hope this helped you. Keep us updated on you progress with that