The slow conversion from Converter was a success, it just took 16 hours for a 50 GB file. I was able to boot the imaged VM from MOA (although WGA kicked in - it noticed I moved it.)
So I guess the conversion will be slow and painful for me.
MOA -> USB hdd
Convert image with converter (in VM on host that will store the VM)
Convert old server to ESXi host
Download virtual machine from datastore on ESXi host
Upload virtual machine to newly converted ESXi host datastore
Register newly uploaded virtual machine
Success? :smileywink:
It's coming together slowly, it's just a little time consuming. Most of the servers I'm migrating are not time sensitive. The only one that will be is the Exchange server, but even then our spam filter will queue incoming messages until it comes online.
continuum - the MOA CD I've tried simply states "Unable to install network adapters" when I try to get the network interface going.
Maybe I will try to make another MOA-cd. It was my first working MOA-cd, maybe I didn't quite get something right on it. :smileyhappy:
What's the difference between converter 4 and 3.0.3? Are there any significant benefits to using it over 3.0.3? I didn't see it on your site when I went to build my MOA-cd a few days ago. It works pretty well, other than then network problem.
Jailbreak: I don't use the experts-exchange site. It's a pay-site that in a lot of cases has worse answers than a lot of free forums out there. That and the questionable tactics of hiding answers unless you use a google-search. Shame on them.