Excellent! InfluxDB is great and it's quite easy to get things going. Check out my github for example usage at:
GitHub - vmkdaily/vFlux-Stats-Kit: PowerCLI scripts to gather VMware performance stats and write them to InfluxDB
As for the timestamp I think you should be good to go now, but for completeness, this is how my scripts do it:
## nanoseconds since Unix epoch
[long]$timestamp = (([datetime]::UtcNow)-(Get-Date -Date '1/1/1970')).TotalMilliseconds * 1000000
Note: I used to do [int64], which worked fine, but now I do [long] for whatever reason. Maybe a recommendation from one of my million dollar script editors :smileygrin:
Tip: I see you are already aware of PowerShell culture which is good. When writing to InfluxDB you may observe that it prefers the PowerShell culture to be en-US or your stats that looks like '0,57' won't write when InfluxDB was expecting them to look like '0.57'.
PS - Also check out VMware Wavefront as an alternative: