Yesterday I installed a new Windows 2008 64bit server in our new vSphere 5 cluster. This machine is in a DMZ and it will be used for webservices (IIS).
A company want to install some software and we mount a CDROM from my Windows XP machine SP3. We installed the latest updates on ESXI5 servers and updated VMWare tools and running on version 8 hardware. I use the vSphere 5 client to connect to the cluster. When I open a CDROM on my XP computer and mount this CDROM to the virtual machine I can see the content of de CDROM, but wen I browse to a subfolder on de CDROM it is empty. When I open the same folder on my XP machine I see files in the subfolder.
I do not have this problem when I open a USB stick from my XP machine to the virtual machine. We used a workaround, copy the content from the CDROM to a USB stick and then install the software on the Windows 2008 machine.
Are there more people with the same problem? I know XP it is old school, but we use some old Novell product who not support Windows Vista or 7.