Hi all,
I have some requirement about virtual machine access for end users
10 ESXi 6.5 servers and several VMs on each ESXi, such as Win7, Win10
1. I want a unified platform (should be a web page) that can let end users login to access their own VMs. For example, the EXSi servers' IPs are All user can access their own VMs via accessing
2. A portal for end users so that they can create VMs on their own, instead of contacting IT admin to manual deploy VMs for them. After the VM is created, a custom permission will be assigned automatically that only he can access this VM.
3. When a user wants to create a VM, he can choose a template. For example, a template that have a Server 2008 R2 & Win 7 in the same network environment. After he clicks "Deploy", this template environment will deploy for him.
1. What additional product should I buy, such as vCenter?
2. What kind of resources should I refer to?
Thanks in advance!