We are suffering a strange problem regarding networking within an ESX host.
To outline the problem we configured a vSwitch1, and added 4 vNics (vmnic2, vmnic3, vmnic4, vmnic5)
Further configurations on the vSwitch1:
Load Balancing > "Route based on IP hash"
Network Failover Detection > "Link status only"
Notify Switches > "No"
Failback > "Yes"
Security and Traffic shaping left default.
Second, added a Portgroup named: Production, and Tagged it with a vlan.
One virtual machine called VCS02 is running on this vSwitch1.
When we remove vmnic5 from vSwitch1 the VCS02 virtual machine suffers a ping lost. No connectivity is possible.
When we add vmnic5 to vSwitch1 the machine is reachable again.
What happens here? I guess it should be possible to remove a vNic without any consequences?
We also reconfigured all vswitches, portgroups etc. No luck here.
The physical port is configured similar as shown below
#int port-channel1
#switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
#switchport trunk allowed vlan all
#switchport mode trunk
#int gi0/23
#switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
#switchport trunk allowed vlan all
#switchport mode trunk