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  • 1.  connect esxi to vcenter

    Posted Jan 09, 2012 06:24 PM

    I have 2 esxi 5 servers I have installed vcenter on a virtual machine on one of the esxi servers. How do i connect vserver to the esxi machines?

  • 2.  RE: connect esxi to vcenter

    Posted Jan 09, 2012 06:35 PM

    Once you have vCenter installed, you'll start the vSphere client and connect to the hostname or IP for the vCenter server (instead of the ESXi hosts).  You'll then create a new datacenter under the vCenter host (in the navigation pane on the left side of the screen).  After you've created a datacenter, you can either create a cluster (and then add your hosts) or just add your hosts.

  • 3.  RE: connect esxi to vcenter

    Posted Jan 09, 2012 06:41 PM

    How do i connect to the hostname or ip? Where is the ability to do that.

  • 4.  RE: connect esxi to vcenter

    Posted Jan 09, 2012 06:43 PM

  • 5.  RE: connect esxi to vcenter

    Posted Jan 09, 2012 06:45 PM

    On the vSphere client login screen it asks for;

    IP address / Name:   -  you'll enter the IP address or hostname (assuming you have DNS or some name resolution working) of the vCenter host

    User name - a local administrator account for the vCenter server

    Password - for the above account

  • 6.  RE: connect esxi to vcenter

    Posted Jan 09, 2012 06:56 PM

    I figured it out once your in vcenter create a datastore, name it, right click on the datastore to add hosts. thanks 

  • 7.  RE: connect esxi to vcenter
    Best Answer

    Posted Jan 09, 2012 06:57 PM

    you may think about creating a cluster under your datacenter.  This way, if you are licensed for it, you can utilize HA/DRS.  You would just "add host" to the cluster.