I'm trying to create a conditional tag in my PowerShell/PowerCLI report. I feel as though I'm missing something very simple. I have reports with CSS and they come out correct, so I have an IF statement with an ID of 'Red' and I have the CSS color the background Red. I'm certain that my CSS is not the problem, because I've used it for years, but the way I try and add the tag is causing problems (I think). Here is what I have:
$css = (gc C:\MyCSS.css)
#$allVMs = Get-VM
$AllReport = @()
$allVMs | where { $_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn" -and ($_ | Get-HardDisk).StorageFormat -ne "Thin" } | Sort Name | foreach {
$vm = $_
$disktype = ($vm | Get-HardDisk | select -ExpandProperty StorageFormat)
$report = '' | Select Name, Disktype
$report.Name = $vm.Name
$report.Disktype = If ($disktype -ne 'Thin') { ("<a id='Red'>" + $disktype + "</a>") } #I"m sure this is the problem
$allreport += $report
$allreport | ConvertTo-Html -Head "<style>$css</style>" -Body @"
<p><a id='Red'>This</a> is a test </p>
"@ | Out-File C:\MyOutput\Report.html
To make sure I had the CSS correct, I gave the word "This" the id tag of Red, and in my report its background color is red. The problem is that the line that starts with $report.Disktype. The tag is added, sort of. When I look at the html, it shows this <tr><td>VMname</td><td><a id='Red'>EagerZeroedThick</a></td></tr>
The HTML for the word "This" with the id of Red shows this for its HTML:
<p><a id='Red'>This</a> is a test </p>
I think it has something to do with the quotes, so I've tried making the double quotes single, and the singles double, I also tried using a subexpression, but that didn't work. I also attached the HTML reports appearance, it shows the same in Firefox or Chrome.
Any help is appreciated.