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  • 1.  Concurrent connection on vSphere

    Posted Sep 20, 2016 02:35 AM

    Hi guy,

    Have anybody known that ESXi and each VM running inside have limitation of concurrent connection?

    Do you know there is a concurrent connection limitation on x86 server, or ESXi Port, or vStandard Switch port, or vDistributed Switch port in VMware?

    I want to run one app in VM that relate to transaction per second, that why i have to make sure on concurrent connection that limited on x86 server or VMware.

    if you guy know or have experience, please help to share.

    any of your comment is valuable.

    Thank you for your any comment.

  • 2.  RE: Concurrent connection on vSphere

    Posted Sep 20, 2016 06:10 AM

    Read the below document and you will find your answers:

  • 3.  RE: Concurrent connection on vSphere

    Posted Sep 20, 2016 10:37 AM

    Hi DavoudTeimouriDavoudTeimouri,

    what i am worrying about is concurrent connection limitation on vDSW or vSSW port.

    The VM are using a port from one vDSW or vSSW to connect to outside. so there might be many connection access to that VM if my VM running any kind of transaction service.

    example, if vDSW or vSSW support only 100k concurrent connection, so if i have transaction 100k + 1 + 2 + 3 ... it is a problem.

    why i am looking for like that. even Physical device like CISCO ASA still have concurrent connection, and CISCO switch limited by Through put.

    so i don't think VMware vDSW or vSSW don't have limitation on connection.

    I did try to research on many website, but i still not find the answer yet

    Thank you for your sharing IDEA.

  • 4.  RE: Concurrent connection on vSphere

    Posted Sep 20, 2016 10:14 AM

    Apart from this limitation, you should think about Resource limitation on virtual machine for both CPU and memory can impact to your application.

  • 5.  RE: Concurrent connection on vSphere

    Posted Mar 28, 2017 03:04 AM

    Dear Vivath, have you got the answer for this topic?

    I need this information as well since I got trouble when one of VM runs IDM and made hundreds of concurrent connection to download many files at the same time. I don't want to limit the bandwidth, but do really want to know if its possible to limit "concurrent connection" using ESXi.

    I have read the manual given ( ), but it only said about: "Concurrent remote console connections to a virtual machine". I am not native English speaker and its possible that i missed something which is already there. It would be great if anyone can be kind to let me know where is it in the subject.

    I do really really appreciate if anyone can help me out in this matter :smileysad:

    Thank you so much

  • 6.  RE: Concurrent connection on vSphere

    Posted Mar 28, 2017 11:00 AM

    That kind of feature is not available in vSphere I reckon.

    But you should be able to get the feature that you are looking for from third party products.

    In google, search for "bandwidth controller" or "bandwidth manager"

    Most bandwidth controller/manager can limit per IP or per user.

    If you are looking for non-english subforum, VMTN actually have a foreign language forum in multiple languages. See this link VMTN Forums by Language

  • 7.  RE: Concurrent connection on vSphere

    Posted Mar 28, 2017 11:09 AM

    Thank you sir!

    OOT, Its so coincident that I almost contact you privately by email then decided to lurking around inside the forum for days, and on the end you are the one who answer it! :smileygrin:

    Glad to have this clear crystal answer, I have asked same thing at WHT forum, many places and googling for days. With this answer I can stop it and try another solution.

    I will see from time to time at Indonesian forum here :smileyhappy:, I still not decided yet should I configure my server with vmware product or other...

  • 8.  RE: Concurrent connection on vSphere

    Posted Jun 13, 2017 06:45 AM

    Hi dear,

    till now i still cannot find the answering yet.