Hi DavoudTeimouriDavoudTeimouri,
what i am worrying about is concurrent connection limitation on vDSW or vSSW port.
The VM are using a port from one vDSW or vSSW to connect to outside. so there might be many connection access to that VM if my VM running any kind of transaction service.
example, if vDSW or vSSW support only 100k concurrent connection, so if i have transaction 100k + 1 + 2 + 3 ... it is a problem.
why i am looking for like that. even Physical device like CISCO ASA still have concurrent connection, and CISCO switch limited by Through put.
so i don't think VMware vDSW or vSSW don't have limitation on connection.
I did try to research on many website, but i still not find the answer yet
Thank you for your sharing IDEA.