I found an awesome PowerCLI function that works fantastically, but I'd really like to get a slightly modified table output that included the following:
| VMHost | PortGroup Name | VMNIC ID | VLAN No. | Switch Port ID | Switch Port ID Connected | Switch Name | Switch VLAN IP |
The following article gives me almost all of the above except:
- The vDS Portgroup Name
- The vDS PortGroup VLAN number
- Take into account that a VMNIC may be a member of more than 1 portgroup
I did find a different PowerCLI script that pulls the vDS portgroup VLAN, but doesn't include the configured PortGroup Name, and doesn't take into account that a VMNIC may be a member of more than one PortGroup: Cisco Discovery Protocol
Here's my slightly modified code, but I do not know how to integrate the 3 bullet points above:
function Get-VMHostNetworkAdapterCDP {
Function to retrieve the Network Adapter CDP info of a vSphere host.
Function to retrieve the Network Adapter CDP info of a vSphere host.
A vSphere ESXi Host object
PS> Get-VMHostNetworkAdapterCDP -VMHost ESXi01,ESXi02
PS> Get-VMHost ESXi01,ESXi02 | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapterCDP
begin {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Write-Debug $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
$CDPObject = @()
try {
foreach ($ESXiHost in $VMHost){
if ($ESXiHost.GetType().Name -eq "string"){
try {
$ESXiHost = Get-VMHost $ESXiHost -ErrorAction Stop
catch [Exception]{
Write-Warning "VMHost $ESXiHost does not exist"
elseif ($ESXiHost -isnot [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.Inventory.VMHostImpl]){
Write-Warning "You did not pass a string or a VMHost object"
$ConfigManagerView = Get-View $ESXiHost.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.NetworkSystem
$PNICs = $ConfigManagerView.NetworkInfo.Pnic
foreach ($PNIC in $PNICs){
$PhysicalNicHintInfo = $ConfigManagerView.QueryNetworkHint($PNIC.Device)
if ($PhysicalNicHintInfo.ConnectedSwitchPort){
$Connected = $true
else {
$Connected = $false
$hash = @{
MangementAddress = $PhysicalNicHintInfo.ConnectedSwitchPort.MgmtAddr
Switch = $PhysicalNicHintInfo.ConnectedSwitchPort.DevId
Connected = $Connected
PortId = $PhysicalNicHintInfo.ConnectedSwitchPort.PortId
NIC = $PNIC.Device
VMHost = $ESXiHost.Name
#HardwarePlatform = $PhysicalNicHintInfo.ConnectedSwitchPort.HardwarePlatform
#SoftwareVersion = $PhysicalNicHintInfo.ConnectedSwitchPort.SoftwareVersion
$Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
$CDPObject += $Object
catch [Exception] {
throw "Unable to retrieve CDP info"
end {
Write-Output $CDPObject
$MyCluster = "<Insert Clustername>"
Get-Cluster $MyCluster| Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapterCDP | Select VMHost,NIC,PortId,Connected,Switch,MangementAddress | Export-Csv .\$($MyCluster)"_CDP_Info.csv" -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture